Angry Rory McIlroy in intense post-Ryder Cup car parking dispute flares up for second day

Sign up to our free sports newsletter for all the latest news on everything from cycling to boxing Sign up to our free sports email for all the latest news On a hot day in Rome, the scoreboard finally turned red and with it, the Ryder Cup went up in flames. The catalyst was a… Continue reading Angry Rory McIlroy in intense post-Ryder Cup car parking dispute flares up for second day

Why the US Open won’t close the roof as players swelter in the intense heat

Tennis By means of Miles Schachner PUBLISHED September 7, 2023, 2:34 pm ET The players are boiling, but the tournament is not progressing. After countless complaints about steamy 90-degree temperatures and stifling humidity from players and fans alike, the US Open has adopted a slight change in its policy regarding stadium roofs — but not… Continue reading Why the US Open won’t close the roof as players swelter in the intense heat