SEAHAWKS V. PATRIOTS GAME RECAP: HAWKS DEFEAT PATRIOTS IN VAGUELY INTERESTING CONTEST — Washington Football Team vs. Seattle Seahawks from FedEx Field, November 29th, 2021 (All-Pro Reels Photography)

Maybe its just because we’ve gotten used to horribly timed, backbreaking red-zone turnovers…

Top 10 Moments of the 2024 Offseason (in no particular order)

1. Listening to Aaron Rodgers’s fans trying to justify his unexcused absence from mini-camp by comparing his ayahuasca provider to the Pope. We are staunch libertarians on the matter, and even we aren’t buying this bullshit. Dudes, he skipped practice to go do some drugs. Just own it! We’re personally completely cool with Rodgers’s drug… Continue reading Top 10 Moments of the 2024 Offseason (in no particular order)