A golf and entertainment complex backed by Tiger Woods will open in West Palm Beach

Rendering of 300 Banyan, a new office building in downtown West Palm Beach.  The building has outdoor terraces, intended to appeal to companies that want additional facilities for employees.

Welcome to The Dirt! I’m real estate reporter Kimberly Miller with the latest developments in the bull market.

Last week was all about the light-speed development of downtown West Palm Beach and the continued engulfment of the Agricultural Reserve. This tour, the construction of the Ag Reserve has a pickleball promise. Seriously, pickleball. In the Ag Reserve. Oh, and a fitness center and microbrewery.

Because after 30 minutes on the treadmill a nice microbrew sounds very appealing. 🤢 However, it’s good for happy hour when you’re around BFE in the west Boynton Beach Boulevard corridor.