Introduce Yourself as a Trail Blazers Fan

Introduce Yourself as a Trail Blazers Fan – Blazer’s Edge

Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

If you’re reading this site, you probably have some connection to the Portland Trail Blazers. Because, you know, that’s what we do. Even if you know some of the staff here, it’s been a minute since we’ve done an introductory thread for readers. So here you are.

We invite everyone to go to the comment section of this post to share a little about themselves with fellow readers and comment on each other’s stories. It’s pretty free form. You can introduce yourself however you like, but some of the following bits of information can give us a general basis if you want to include them in your post:

  • When did you start following the Blazers?
  • Why did you start following the Blazers?
  • Who was the first player you fell in love with?
  • Who is your favorite Blazers player of all time.
  • What moment or moments have informed your fandom the most (and/or what are the best and worst moments you’ve witnessed)?
  • How has the Damian Lillard situation affected you personally?
  • What are your other hobbies and interests besides following the Blazers?
  • How long have you been part of the Blazer’s Edge community?

There you are! Do it and enjoy hearing about each other’s experiences and lives!

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